web & mobile & video & multimedia & production & social media

"AVT" is a service digital agency with its own production.

We provide a full range of services for creating corporate and advertising video content, designing and developing interactive multimedia projects, and creating graphic design.

Our key specialization is video production in the digital environment and interactive solutions for B2B business.

The "AVT" team has the necessary knowledge, experience and capabilities to achieve the intended effective results in the implementation of projects and tasks of our Clients.

Video clips and 3D video presentations
Interactive multimedia presentations
Graphic design and branding

The structure of the agency consists of blocks

Video production



Graphic design

One of our key competencies is video production of corporate video and video content for digital projects. We have created a full-length production, capable of solving any problems associated with the production of high-quality video content.

We believe that the most important thing when working with Clients is discipline, honesty, decency and flexible pricing.

Our advantages

  • Clear and flexible pricing policy.

  • Individual approach to each Client, personal support and full control of the project implementation.

  • Unique technological and creative solutions.

  • Professional development of Internet projects.

  • Integrated project management development.

We create modern, high-quality and effective digital solutions and video content.

Since 2008, we have implemented more than 500 projects in the field of web, video, multimedia and promotion.

Our goal is the result and success of our customers.If you conduct or plan to hold a tender, look for a Partner to implement current or future projects - «АVT» Agency is ready to participate in the tender.

call us
8 (812) 628-43-46   Saint Petersburg
for correspondence and letters
117105, Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse, 28A, building 1., Coworking "Free swimming", "AVT"

Thank you for attention! «АVT» is always in touch!

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